| Input data formatYou can copy- paste this set into the program as: 8 The dependent variable (Y) should follow independent variables (X1-X5). The first line of data should indicate number of rows (data entries) that are available in the data for the training data set. You can also provide names of columns (VARIABLE_NAMES=1) as the first line of data entries: 8 Spaces or tabs are not allowed in the names of variables (columns). If data sets can contains names of data entries, this should be indicated by NAMES=1. An example of the same data set with names is: 8 You can also see that there is no requirement for alignment of data in columns. The data can be separated with any number of tabs and spaces but names of data entries and variables should not contain them. See FAQ if you have questions. How to cite this applet? Are you looking for a new job in chemoinformatics? |
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