Welcome! Willkommen! Bienvenue! Benvenuto! Bienvenida! Laskavo prosymo! Dobro pozhalovat'!
This site provides free on-line tools, which we hope you will find helpful in performing computational chemistry, ADME/T and
chemoinformatics tasks including the building and visualisation of chemical structures, the calculation of molecular
properties and the analysis of relationships between chemical structure and properties. All these tools are developed, provided and supported by the VCCLAB partners.
Please feel free to browse our site and take advantage of the various on-line cheminformatics services provided. However, the calculation algorithms
are running on remote servers, communicating via the Internet, so we are unable to control the speed of access to these services. An overview of
on-line WWW resources for Phys-Prop calculations is also available.
We are working to restore functionailty of this web site. Currently only ALOGPS, e-Dragon, PNN, UFS and E-babel are working. Also use https://ochem.eu for these and other tasks.
Java security issues: Java has very strict security requirements to applets. Thus, please, follow instructions in this FAQ to correcly setup access to the software. Alternatively use Google Chrome to install CheerpJ Applet Runner, which will automatically convert Java code to Java Script and thus can run in this browser.
Announcement: apply for a PhD position (14 are available) within AiChemist